Kevin had called me away from the routine job of chasing dust bunnies out from under my bed to show me the first signs of spring, the fronds of grape hyacinth and crocus, as well as the leaves of tulips and daffodils. We walked around the house together delighting in being able to identify what was soon to come, the blooms of spring!
When what to our wondering eyes should appear among the bleached and withered leaves of last years tiger lilies?? Two glorious blooms; two tiny purple crocus straining to catch the warmth of the sun!
I cried, "Get a picture! Quick post it to the world, the first signs of new life! Spring is here!!" Then I grabbed my hand garden rake and proceeded to spend an hour clearing away all the dead stuff of last year's glory: the old dead weeds, the withered perennial geranium, the bleached lily foliage, the lifeless hosta and sedum. All the old had to be cleaned up, clipped back and cleared away, so that the new growth had free access to the sun!
As I bent and cleared and cleaned, my mind returned to the night before, when ladies gathered around a table and the Word to marvel at the miracle of Christ ~ resurrection life ~ John chapter 11. Here we saw Christ submit to the will of the Father and in allowing death to come, was able to reveal the glory of God in the life of Lazarus raised up from the tomb! We rejoiced in God's goodness and the hope we have of resurrection life as we believe in Christ. And then we were amazed that Christ asked the observers of this miracle to participate in it, to join in setting the raised life free from the bonds of death. They were told to remove the grave clothes of yesterday, so that he could be freed to live the life God had given him today.
As I stood in my garden, with dirt and death in my hands, I had to ask myself, am I willing to let go of the glory of last year’s life, last year’s victories, last year’s blessings, to rejoice in the new things God wants to do today?
Do I help others who have heard the voice of Christ and have been raised to new life remove the bonds of death, the old habits and fears of the past, so that they can fully enjoy the New Life, the Abundant Life that God has for them in the SON?
I thank God for the wonderful ways that He uses the things of this earth, the little glories, to teach about the Real Glories of Life in the Son!
May you be blessed as you willingly get your hands dirty, participating in the miracles of New Life that God has in store for you, for your family, for your church this year.
Serving Him by His Grace ~ Beverly Kay